by Whisper | Apr 9, 2021 | Articles
The question many ask is “Am I alone?” First, you are not alone, at least not on the human level. Ok, we’ve got that settled! On the other hand, we are all part of God, and it may well be the real question is God alone? This may be where that deep...
by Whisper | Jan 16, 2019 | Articles
There is a lot of ado about the movie The Secret. However, it has never been a secret! It has always been known. It is already built into your being. The Law of Attraction has always been in effect whether or not it has been named, just the same way gravity was...
by Whisper | May 16, 2014 | Articles
I (Christine Breese) have manifested millions through my spiritual businesses (I didn’t keep much because it keeps flowing), so I hope you’ll hear me out on my radical invitation to try another method that is far beyond the law of attraction teachings for manifesting....
by Whisper | Nov 12, 2013 | Articles
We are the angels we have been looking for. Each of us is an angel in the flesh. We are the source of love on this planet. We are the helpers of others who are here. We are the ones who answer each other’s prayers, really. The angels aren’t outside of ourselves. We...